Optical fibre has incredibly low loss coupled with extremely high capacity, making it a unique transmission medium. From the point of view of the access network The Shannon Limit can effectively be ignored. Distance is not an inherent limitation as optical signals can travel 70–80 km before they need to…
Splitter-based FTTx architectures are a compromise between cost and the flexibility of running fiber to every subscriber location. Instead of running fiber from the central office/ headend to every home like in a P2P arrangement, which is extremely expensive, splitter-based architectures run a single fiber from the headend/central office out…
PON architectures for FTTH deployments are currently based on passive optical splitters to distribute the bandwidth to each customer using fiber splitters providing ratios ranging up to 1:64 or even 1:128. The physical PON FTTH architecture typically supports the Ethernet protocol. PON network feeds a variety of optical network terminations…
Global GPON revenue declined 7 percent quarter-over-quarter to reach $1.32 billion. This decline was primarily associated with declining ASPs across all regions. Year-over-year, revenue increased by 32 percent. Asia Pacific continues to drive the majority of demand, where China is currently in the process of large scale FTTH deployments due…
http://www.tarluz.com/ftth/jaringan-akses-gpon-dan-gepon-part-1/ 3. Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network (GEPON) GE-PON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network) merupakan teknik akses optik kecepatan tinggi yang telah distandarisasi menurut IEEE 802.3ah EFM (Ethernet in the First Mile) sehingga dapat digunakan pada konfigurasi point to multipoint. Ketika ITU-T membangun standar BPON dan GPON, sebuah working group…