
18 billion, The sales revenue of Optical Transport Systems will reaches in next five years

Due to pandemic effection, optical transport system demand freezes in a short period. however, based on market report from Dell’Oro Group, Optical Transport System venders will enjoy revenue increase in the next five years, the 800G DWDM system will lead the way, the sales revenue will increase from $15 billions at 2019, and will approaches […]

800G, Industry News

FAQ about QSFP-DD800

Q: HOW IS QSFP-DD800 DIFFERENT THAN QSFP-DD? A: The QSFP-DD800 MSA is focused on the next generation of the QSFP family of modules. It will focus on increasing the aggregate module bandwidth and increasing individual line speeds to 112 Gb/s. In addition, changes are anticipated to the specification in the areas of thermal performance up […]

800G, Data Center
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