Data Center

Introduction to SFP-DD Optical Transceivers

SFP-DD is short for SFP Double Densty, it is a new module and cage/connector system similar to current SFP module, but with an additional row of contacts providing for a two lane electrical interface. It is being developed by the SFP-DD MSA as a key part of the industry’s effort to enable high-speed solutions. The […]

400G Network, Data Center

Introduction to OSFP Optical Transceiver

OSFP is short for Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable. it is being designed to use eight electrical lanes and each lane for 50GBE to deliver 400GbE. compared with QSFP transceiver, It is slightly wider and deeper, but it still supports 36 OSFP ports per 1U front panel, enabling 14.4 Tbps per 1U. OSFP is a […]

400G Network, Data Center

Introduction to CFP8 Optical Modules

The C form-factor pluggable (CFP) is a multi-source agreement to produce a common form-factor for the transmission of high-speed digital signals. The c stands for the Latin letter C used to express the number 100 (centum), since the standard was primarily developed for 100 Gigabit Ethernet systems.   CFP8 use of a 16x25G electrical interface […]

400G Network, Data Center

100G Optical Transceivers Q & A

How many form factors for 100G Optical Transceivers? QSFP28: Taking the technology and squeezing down to the familiar QSFP form factor CFP: The first 100G transceiver form factor, CFP’s are larger modules, and were based originally on 10 lanes of 10G CFP2: The successor to the original CFP module, this boasts a higher port density […]

Data Center

What is DDM or DOM for Optical Transceivers

What Is DDM (Digital Diagnostic Monitoring)? DDM is short for Digital Diagnostic Monitoring, according to the industry standard MSA (Multi-Source Agreement) SFF-8472 and is also known as DOM (Digital Optical Monitoring). When choosing the fiber optic transceivers for your equipment, you can choose transceiver modules with or without DDM/DOM function. Most of fiber optic transceivers […]

Data Center

What are MXC connectors

MXC® is a new optical fiber connector system responding to the ever-increasing demand for data which is driving new hardware and applications in data centers and networks. Using advanced high-density interconnect technology, MXC® provides a direct card edge interface to embedded optical engines such as Intel Silicon Photonics chips. Advantages The main advantages of the […]

400G Network, Data Center

Introduction to Non-contact MPO Fiber Connectors

The Non-Contact MPO fiber connector (NC-MPO) invented by Arrayed Fiberoptics, it might be the next generation multi-fiber optical connector for data center project, where there is no contact between fiber surfaces. There are two key elements in the NC-MPO connector, first, the fiber surface is recessed, and second, the fiber surface has an anti-reflection coating. […]

Data Center

Multimode (OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4, OM5) and Single Mode (OS1, OS2) Fiber

What are OM and OS type fiber optic cables? In ANSI/TIA-568.3-D, the TIA adopted the nomenclature for fiber found in the international standard ISO/IEC 11801. The multimode fiber is prefixed with “OM” and the singlemode mode “OS”. The new designation in ANSI/TIA-568.3-D should alleviate some of the confusion associated with application support distance issues. Each […]

Data Center, Fiber Optic Cable

Unterschied Cat.5 und Cat.6 oder Cat.7 Kabel?

Im Zusammenhang mit einer Netzwerkverkabelung (Kupfer) müssen unterschiedliche Normen berücksichtigt werden. Die internationale ISO/IEC 11801 und die europäische EN 50173 Norm sind nahezu gleich und unterscheiden, im Gegensatz zur amerikanischen Norm TIA/EIA 568, zwischen Kategorie und Klassen. Die Kategorie (Cat 5, Cat 6, Cat 6A, Cat 7 etc.) beschreibt, nach welchen Methoden und Werten die […]

Copper Network, Data Center

40GBASE QSFP+ Modules and its Portfolio

The QSFP+ transceiver is the dominant transceiver form-factor used for 40 Gigabit Ethernet applications. In 2010 the IEEE standard 802.3ba released several 40-Gbps based solutions, including a 40GBASE-SR4 parallel optics solution for MMF (Multimode Fiber). Since then, several engineered solutions have been released, including 40GBASE-CSR4, which is similar to 40GBASE-SR4 but extends the distance capabilities. […]

Data Center