Data Center

Dudas sobre la fibra Óptica Multimodo

P. ÂżCuál es la diferencia entre Multi- modo MM y Monomodo SM? R. Desde el punto de vista constructivo la diferencia es el tamaño del núcleo, siendo el de la MM (62.5 ÎŒm o 50 ÎŒm) mucho mayor que el de la SM (9 ÎŒm). El objeti- vo de este mayor diámetro en el núcleo […]

Data Center

De juiste kabel voor uw situatie

Om een glasvezelnetwerk op te bouwen, levert TARLUZ glasvezelbekabeling en kabelmanagement (zoals patchpanelen). Hieronder vindt u meer informatie over MTP/MPO technieken en preterm glasvezelkabels van TARLUZ.   Wat is MTP/MPO? Binnen glasvezelbekabeling zijn er net als op ons wegennet meerdere manieren om de hoeveelheid data te optimaliseren. Door toepassing van MTP/MPO bekabeling wordt er gebruik […]

Data Center, Fiber Optic Network

What you should know about Category 8 Copper Cable

Q: What is Category 8 Cabling and who devloped the standard? A: Category 8 cabling is the latest category of cabling that has been developed to support 25GBASE-T and 40GBASE-T applications developed by the IEEE. The Category 8 standard was developed by the ANSI/TIA-568 standards body, more specifically, the TR42.7 committee. The document that details […]

Copper Network, Data Center

Five Tips for Choosing QSFP28 Fiber Optic Transceivers

The QSFP28 standard is designed to carry 100 Gigabit Ethernet, EDR InfiniBand. or 32G Fibre Channel. This transceiver type is also used with direct-attach breakout cables to adapt a single 100GbE port to four independent 25 gigabit ethernet ports (QSFP28-to-4x-SFP28). Sometimes this transceiver type is also referred to as “QSFP100” or “100G QSFP” for sake […]

Data Center

QSFP28 Transceiver Modules Installation Guide

Thanks for choose TARLUZ QSFP28 Transceivers, The transceivers may compatible with different network devices from different venders, TARLUZ could offer Generic and compatible QSFP28 Transceivers, CAUTION: When installing or removing a transceiver module, avoid touching the golden plating on the transceiver module with a bare hand. Do not remove the dust plug from a transceiver […]

Data Center

QSFP+ Transceiver Modules Installation Guide

Thanks for choose TARLUZ QSFP+ Transceivers, The transceivers may compatible with different network devices from different venders, TARLUZ could offer Generic and compatible QSFP+ Transceivers, CAUTION: When installing or removing a transceiver module, avoid touching the golden plating on the transceiver module with a bare hand. Do not remove the dust plug from a transceiver […]

Data Center

MPO & MTP kontakten

MPO Ă€r en förkortning av en industriakronym ”Multi-fiber Push On”. MPO-kontakten Ă€r i grunden en flerfiberkontakt och Ă€r definierad i tvĂ„ dokument: IEC-61754-7 (den internationella standarden för MPO-kontakten) och EIA/TIA-604-5 (ocksĂ„ kĂ€nt som FOCIS 5, detta Ă€r i första hand USA-standard). MPO-kontakten Ă€r baserad pĂ„ MT-ferrul-MTP-kontakten (visas i bilden ovan) den kan utföra stabila högprestanda […]

Data Center

Polaritetens betydelse för MPO/MTP

MPO/MTP Ă€r en flexibel, hĂ„llbar samt skalbar teknisk lösning med hög densitet, och Ă€r samtidigt en av de mest relevanta teknikerna för att migrera system över till 40 & 100G Ethernet. En av stötestenarna som en nĂ€tverksdesigner behöver tĂ€nka pĂ„, Ă€r hur man försĂ€krar sig i att rĂ€tt polaritet pĂ„ sĂ€ndande/mottagande fibrer uppnĂ„s frĂ„n start […]

Data Center

Copper Classes & Categories

“Class” means something completely different than “category”. The class (or category link in American English) always applies to the installed link, the category as such applies only to one single component, e.g. the cable or the outlet; the component is tested and verified by either the labs of the manufacturer or independent verification labs.   […]

Copper Network, Data Center