All posts by: TARLUZ.COM


QSFP+ Transceiver Modules Installation Guide

Thanks for choose TARLUZ QSFP+ Transceivers, The transceivers may compatible with different network devices from different venders, TARLUZ could offer Generic and compatible QSFP+ Transceivers, CAUTION: When installing or removing a transceiver module, avoid touching the golden plating on the transceiver module with a bare hand. Do not remove the dust plug from a transceiver […]

Data Center

How to install SFP Transceiver

Thanks for choose TARLUZ SFP Transceivers, The transceivers may compatible with different network devices from different venders, TARLUZ could offer Generic and compatible SFP Transceivers, CAUTION: When installing or removing a transceiver module, avoid touching the golden plating on the transceiver module with a bare hand. Do not remove the dust plug from a transceiver […]

Data Transmission

Plastic materials: PC, PP, ABS, GRP for Fiber Optic Splice Closures / Fiber OpticTerminal Boxes

POLYCARBONATE (PC) Standard polycarbonate (PC) or Glassfibre reinforced (PC+GLAS) Benefits: Very high impact resistance Also available in transparent form Easy machining with normal tools High lP rating Clean attractive finish Wide operating temperature range Self-extinguishing Good resistance to chemical attack Low weight Good UV resistance Excellent insulating properties Cost-effective material for harsh environments PP ABS […]

Fiber Optic Network

What you should know about Fiber Optic Cable Jacket Material

The cable jacket provides the first line of defense against the surrounding environment. It resists water entry while remaining inert to gases and liquids that the cable may be exposed to during its service life. It provides a smooth, low friction surface for cable placement. The jacket must be made of a material that will […]

Fiber Optic Cable

MPO & MTP kontakten

MPO är en förkortning av en industriakronym ”Multi-fiber Push On”. MPO-kontakten är i grunden en flerfiberkontakt och är definierad i två dokument: IEC-61754-7 (den internationella standarden för MPO-kontakten) och EIA/TIA-604-5 (också känt som FOCIS 5, detta är i första hand USA-standard). MPO-kontakten är baserad på MT-ferrul-MTP-kontakten (visas i bilden ovan) den kan utföra stabila högprestanda […]

Data Center

Polaritetens betydelse för MPO/MTP

MPO/MTP är en flexibel, hållbar samt skalbar teknisk lösning med hög densitet, och är samtidigt en av de mest relevanta teknikerna för att migrera system över till 40 & 100G Ethernet. En av stötestenarna som en nätverksdesigner behöver tänka på, är hur man försäkrar sig i att rätt polaritet på sändande/mottagande fibrer uppnås från start […]

Data Center


HOLIDAY NOTICE Our offices will be closed on Oct. 1st, 2017, in observance of Chinese National Day. We will be reopen on Oct. 8th 2017. For urgent matter please send skype message to sales.tarluz OR email us. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.   SHANGHAI TALRUZ


Fibre Standards Reference Code

Standards Reference Code Description All Fibre Optic Cable ITU-T G.652 Characteristics of a Single Mode Optical Fibre and Cable, Table 4 G.652- G.652D attributes. GR-20-CORE Generic Requirements for Optical Fibre and Optical Fibre Cable IEC 60793 Optical Fibres IEC 60794 Optical Fibre Cables AS1049 Telecommunication Cables-Insulation, sheath, and jacket Fibre Optic Aerial Cable IEEE 1222 […]

Fiber Optic Cable

Copper Classes & Categories

„Class“ means something completely different than „category“. The class (or category link in American English) always applies to the installed link, the category as such applies only to one single component, e.g. the cable or the outlet; the component is tested and verified by either the labs of the manufacturer or independent verification labs.   […]

Copper Network, Data Center