All posts by: TARLUZ.COM


The Top 5 structured fiber optic cabling faults

1. Cause: Intermittent faults – Unidentified intermittent faults are amongst the most common and damaging issues that affect structured cabling networks. Faulty patch leads and broken or malfunctioning outlets are typical causes of this frustrating and puzzling problem, but identifying the lead or outlet that’s misfiring can be a headache in itself. Effect: Valuable resources […]

Structured Cabling

Introduction to OM5 Fiber

ISO/IEC decided to name WBMMF Wideband Multimode Fiber as OM5 in Oct. 2016, this decision was made by ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1)/Subcommittee 25 (SC 25) Interconnection of Information Technology Equipment. At a spring 2016 meeting of JTC 1/SC 25’s Working Group 3 – Customer Premises Cabling – the working group was unable […]

Data Center

FAQ about OSFP Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable?

Q: What is the OSFP (Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable)? A: The OSFP is a new pluggable form factor with eight high speed electrical lanes that will initially support 400 Gbps (8x50G). It is slightly wider and deeper than the QSFP but it still supports 32 OSFP ports per 1U front panel, enabling 12.8 Tbps […]

Data Center

What is OSFP Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable?

The long-awaited public launch of efforts to develop the Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable (OSFP) optical transceiver module for 400-Gbps applications has finally arrived. The multisource agreement (MSA) development group, led by Arista Networks, includes 49 members. „It is rare to see so much industry support behind a new optics module form factor,“ said Andreas […]

Data Center

FAQ about 100G Ethernet Transmission

What standard addresses 100G, and when will this standard be complete? The IEEE 802.3ba technical requirements were ratified in the recent April 2010 sponsor ballot. The document has been forwarded for approval to RevCom and is expected to be released in June 2010. When is customer implementation of 100G expected? Early end-user adoption is expected […]

Data Center

Do you know the difference between OFNR and OFNP

The cable jacket comprised with different materials based on different applications, In the United States, plastics used in the construction of plenum cable are regulated under the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 90A: Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. All materials intended for use on wire and cables to be […]

Fiber Optic Network

Tips on Improving OTDR Trace Quality

OTDR Price is getting economical recently, how to get a good test trace from an cost effective OTDR is critical, the following lists is an instruction about how to get good test result. 1. Select the right pulse width, by selecting a longer or shorter Pulse Width, you can control the amount of backscatter level […]

Test Equipment


WDM – Wavelength Division Multiplex WDM wird auch als Wellenlängenmultiplex oder Wellenlängenvielfach bezeichnet. Jede Farbe des Lichtes wird einer bestimmten Frequenz der elektromagnetische Welle zugeordnet. Durch die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Farben (Frequenzen) lassen sich auf einem Lichtwellenleiter mehrere Datenkanäle unabhängig voneinander betreiben. Diese Methode entspricht dem Prinzip des Frequenzmultiplexverfahrens. Wobei die Wellenlänge mit der Frequenz vergleichbar […]

Data Transmission

PON – Passive Optical Networks / Passive optische Netze

Ein passives optisches Netz ist ein Glasfasernetz, welches zur Signalverteilung ohne aktive Komponenten auskommt. Es arbeitet mit optischen Splittern, die über keine elektrischen Vermittlungsfunktionen verfügen. Passive optische Netze sind im Bereich zwischen Vermittlungsstelle und Teilnehmeranschluss für Gigabit-Glasfaseranschlüsse installiert. Sie funktionieren als Zugangsnetze für die Teilnehmer zum weltweiten Daten- und Kommunikationsnetz. Man unterscheidet zwischen passiven optischen […]


Elección del tipo de fibra

Basándonos en sistemas MM multimodo serían los más extendidos en entornos de red de área local y centros de datos, en la siguiente tabla se pueden apreciar los alcances máximos en función del tipo de fibra óptica seleccionada para las interconexiones. eneficios Propiedades ópticas y mecánicas superiores Rendimiento optimizado – fibra OM4 asegura bajas pérdidas […]

Data Center