All posts by: TARLUZ.COM



HOLIDAY NOTICE Our offices will be closed on Oct. 1st, 2016, in observance of Chinese National Day. We will be reopen on Oct. 8th 2016. For urgent matter please send skype message to sales.tarluz OR email us. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding. SHANGHAI TALRUZ


XG-PON1 de Próxima Geração

A tecnologia XG-PON1 disponibiliza débitos de 10Gbps downstream, combinados com débitos de 2,5 Gbps upstream. Herdou a formatação da trama e a camada de controlo da GPON, disponibilizando todo o tipo de serviços a maiores débitos e com graus de splitagem superiores. Isto adiciona mais funcionalidades e maiores débitos às redes de acesso ótico, sem […]


PLDT starts building 9th data center

PHILIPPINE Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT), the country’s leading telecommunications and digital services provider, said on Tuesday that it is building its second commercial data center in the province of Cebu. Through its enterprise digital enabler ePLDT, the telco provider expects to complete the new VITRO facility in Mandaue City by the fourth quarter of 2017. […]

Data Center

Conector Fibra Óptica MTP y MPO. Una aproximación técnica.

El diseño del conector de fibra óptica MTP MPO permite el uso de una matriz y cable óptico plano que posibilita una densidad muy alta que se traduce directamente en un ahorro de costes debido a la reducción de necesidades de hardware óptico y de espacio real en nodos de telecomunicaciones y datacenters. (Un conector […]

Data Center

OTDR FAQ, for all kinds of OTDR

OTDR FAQ (EXFO OTDR, JDSU OTDR, FLUKE OTDR, YOKOGAWA OTDR, ANRITSU OTDR, TARLUZ OTDR, etc This document is prepared for the newbie in fiber optic industry, to share frequently asked question (OTDR FAQ) from my customer, and shred it here. please drop message to me or post comment to me about OTDR FAQ, which will help […]

Test Equipment

Data center test kit MPO/MTP power meter MPO/MTP Light Source

TL3224 MPO Optical Power Meter and TL3124 MPO Optical Light Source is an Optical Test Solutions especially designed for Data Center on site testing. The MPO Optical Power Meter and MPO Optical Light Source could be applied in pair to test the insertion loss for MPO/MTP Patch Cord Insertion Loss, Polarity Condition, etc. it support […]

Data Center

What is SMA905 Connector in High power Fiber Optics

The designs of all “high-power” SMA905 (HP905) connectors currently available are essentially the same. A metal ferrule is held tightly around the cladding of a fiber optic with a polished (or possibly cleaved) end surface. Low power SMA905 connectors have stainless steel ferrules, but since high-power SMA905 connectors are prone to overheating, many have replaced the steel with […]

High Power

TL-S7 FTTH Сварочный аппарат для оптоволокна

TL-S7 FTTH Сварочный аппарат для оптоволокна Сварочный аппарат TL-S7 является экономичным аппаратом высокого качества, специально разработанный для высокоточного оптоволокна FTTH. Среднее значение потерь 0.02dB(SM) 0.01dB(MM) 0.04dB(DS) 0.04dB(NZDS), технология PAS обеспечивает точное сведение и низкие потери, технология формирования сигналов изображений CMOS. Кейс тоже выполняет функцию рабочей платформы. С надежным качеством и умной внешней формы, аппарат TL-7S […]

Fusion Splicing

How to Design Data Center Data Center Planning and Design Guideline

Data center planning has become somewhat of a specialty in the architectural world. Most architectural firms either have an RCDD (Registered Communications Distribution Designer) on staff, or acting as a consultant to assist with the specialized equipment not addressed by their Electrical Engineers and Mechanical Engineers. The equipment housed within the center is complex each with specific […]

Data Center

Data Center Cabling System Considerations

The TIA TR-42.1.1 group was tasked with the development of the “Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Internet Data Centers.” “The scope of the working group included topology and performance for copper and fiber cabling, and other aspects of the IT infrastructure that will enable these facilities to rapidly deploy new technologies. Although the standard was published prior […]

Data Center