All posts by: TARLUZ.COM


Unterschied Cat.5 und Cat.6 oder Cat.7 Kabel?

Im Zusammenhang mit einer Netzwerkverkabelung (Kupfer) müssen unterschiedliche Normen berücksichtigt werden. Die internationale ISO/IEC 11801 und die europäische EN 50173 Norm sind nahezu gleich und unterscheiden, im Gegensatz zur amerikanischen Norm TIA/EIA 568, zwischen Kategorie und Klassen. Die Kategorie (Cat 5, Cat 6, Cat 6A, Cat 7 etc.) beschreibt, nach welchen Methoden und Werten die […]

Copper Network, Centre de Données

40GBASE QSFP+ Modules and its Portfolio

The QSFP+ transceiver is the dominant transceiver form-factor used for 40 Gigabit Ethernet applications. In 2010 the IEEE standard 802.3ba released several 40-Gbps based solutions, including a 40GBASE-SR4 parallel optics solution for MMF (Multimode Fiber). Since then, several engineered solutions have been released, including 40GBASE-CSR4, which is similar to 40GBASE-SR4 but extends the distance capabilities. […]

Centre de Données

Holiday Notice – Chinese Lunar New Year 2018

Holiday Notice Our offices will be closed on Feb. 13th, 2018, in observance of Chinese Spring Festival. We will be reopen on Feb. 23th 2018. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding. TARLUZ TELECOM Jan. 2018


Dudas sobre la fibra Óptica Multimodo

P. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Multi- modo MM y Monomodo SM? R. Desde el punto de vista constructivo la diferencia es el tamaño del núcleo, siendo el de la MM (62.5 μm o 50 μm) mucho mayor que el de la SM (9 μm). El objeti- vo de este mayor diámetro en el núcleo […]

Centre de Données

Difference among Fujikura FSM-70+, Sumitomo TYPE-72C, Fitel S179A and INNO View 7 Fusion Splicer

The following is a comparison table among Fujikura FSM-70S+/FSM-80S+, Sumitomo Type-72C, Fitel S179A and INNO View 7 Fusion Splicers. Manufacturer FUJIKURA SUMITOMO FITEL INNO Model No. FSM-70S+ TYPE-72C S179A View 7 Splicing Method Core Alignment Core Alignment Core Alignment Core Alignment Applicable Fibers SM(G. 652/657) MM(G.651) DS(G. 653) NZDS(G. 655) SM(G. 652/657) MM(G.651) DS(G. 653) […]

Fiber Optic Splicing

Comparison of Fujikura Fusion Splicer FSM-70S and FSM-70S+, FSM-80S and FSM-80S+

The 70S+ is the new standard core alignment fusion splicer covering varied splicing needs in those fields with a series of innovative features, such as automated wind protector / tube heaters, 6 seconds splicing and 9 seconds tube heating, ruggedized body, improved carrying case, wireless communication functions, etc. They are all for great splicing efficiency. […]

Fiber Optic Splicing

De juiste kabel voor uw situatie

Om een glasvezelnetwerk op te bouwen, levert TARLUZ glasvezelbekabeling en kabelmanagement (zoals patchpanelen). Hieronder vindt u meer informatie over MTP/MPO technieken en preterm glasvezelkabels van TARLUZ.   Wat is MTP/MPO? Binnen glasvezelbekabeling zijn er net als op ons wegennet meerdere manieren om de hoeveelheid data te optimaliseren. Door toepassing van MTP/MPO bekabeling wordt er gebruik […]

Centre de Données, Fiber Optic Network

What you should know about Category 8 Copper Cable

Q: What is Category 8 Cabling and who devloped the standard? A: Category 8 cabling is the latest category of cabling that has been developed to support 25GBASE-T and 40GBASE-T applications developed by the IEEE. The Category 8 standard was developed by the ANSI/TIA-568 standards body, more specifically, the TR42.7 committee. The document that details […]

Copper Network, Centre de Données

Five Tips for Choosing QSFP28 Fiber Optic Transceivers

The QSFP28 standard is designed to carry 100 Gigabit Ethernet, EDR InfiniBand. or 32G Fibre Channel. This transceiver type is also used with direct-attach breakout cables to adapt a single 100GbE port to four independent 25 gigabit ethernet ports (QSFP28-to-4x-SFP28). Sometimes this transceiver type is also referred to as « QSFP100 » or « 100G QSFP » for sake […]

Centre de Données