All posts by: TARLUZ.COM


Jaringan Akses (GPON dan GEPON) Part 2

Jaringan Akses (GPON dan GEPON) Part 1 3. Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network (GEPON) GE-PON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network) merupakan teknik akses optik kecepatan tinggi yang telah distandarisasi menurut IEEE 802.3ah EFM (Ethernet in the First Mile) sehingga dapat digunakan pada konfigurasi point to multipoint. Ketika ITU-T membangun standar BPON dan GPON, sebuah working […]


Jaringan Akses (GPON dan GEPON) Part 1

Bagus untuk pengertian GPON dan GEPON, jadi saya shared disini. semoga bermanfaat Jaringan Akses (GPON dan GEPON) 1. Passive Optical Network (PON) Passive Optical Network (PON) pengganti teknologi tembaga untuk narrow-band dan broadband. Berdasarkan definisinya Passive Optical Network (PON) adalah jaringan point-to-multipoint berbasis serat optik yang memiliki elemen pembagi optik (optical splitter) yang berfungsi sebagai […]


GPON & GEPON Comparison table

GPON GEPON COMPREHENSIVE COMPARISON TABLE Comparison GPON GEPON GPON GEPON Basics ITU Standard G.984 ITU Standard G.987 for 10Gbits Downstream 10Gbits/s, Upstream 2.488/10Gbits/s Uses GPON Encapsulation Method (GEM), fragmented packets or ATM (most implementations use GEM as ATM is expensive) Sometimes called GEPON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network) IEEE 802.3 standard, ratified as 802.3ah-2004 for 1Gbits/s […]


VDSL2 – G.Fast – FTTdp, Copper gets turbocharged

VDSL2 & Co: ever more promising technological developments VDSL2 has begun to be implemented, and several telcos have based their ultra-fast broadband strategies squarely on copper infrastructure right up to the customer premises. If VDSL can deliver theoretical speeds of around 50 Mbps near the exchange or cabinet, Vectoring, which consists of reducing noise among […]

Transmission de Données, FTTH

Live Fiber Monitoring in CWDM Networks

To cope with the significant increase for storage and on-demand delivery of digital content, enterprises need to boost their optical-pipe capacity. Most turn to coarse wavelength-division multiplexing (CWDM) and dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) to scale up and avoid installing new fiber. Whether they are planning to lease this extra capacity or use it themselves, someone […]

Transmission de Données, Test Equipment

FTTH PON Testing Overview

Proper testing is a critical part of installing, activating and maintaining a PON. While most components are tested during the manufacturing process, they are tested again after splicing and installation of splitters and access terminals. Field testing is required to ensure no excess loss or reflectance has been introduced due to micro-bends in installed fiber, […]

Test Equipment

FTTH growing in Latin America but DSL to remain dominant: Pyramid Research

Pyramid Research expects the number of fiber to the home (FTTH) and fiber to the building (FTTB) connections to reach 5.1 million by the end of the year. This is part of an overall trend that will see FTTH/FTTB connections to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34.9% over the next five […]


Optical fiber type mismatch problem when using OTDR

OTDR (Optical time-domain reflectometer) is traditional fiber optic test equipment used to characterize fiber optic. It is most easy to use but the OTDR is also one of the most expensive instrument, OTDR could give you an overview of fiber cable link characterstic of the whole system you test. OTDR is applied for estimating the […]

Test Equipment

Troubleshooting Fiber Installations using the TLOT730 OTDR

The TLOT-730 OTDR is used to identify cable length and cable fault point or loss events of a fiber optic cable or link. This is mandatory during the installation/fiber acceptance test processes and also during troubleshooting tasks. This application note will provide the beginners with details concerning typical measurements of optical fibers for PON (passive […]

Test Equipment

What is the maximum speed? in FTTH, DOCSIS, etc

It is important to know the maximum speed that any network can provide, either now or in the future, because bit-rate requirements are growing and choices made today will affect the technical capabilities of the network tomorrow. Although it is difficult to predict the future, Nielsen’s law of Internet bandwidth described earlier provides a guide […]

Transmission de Données