
What splitter structure you should have in FTTH network centralized or cascading

FTTH currently developed very fast in South America and Africa, however, many new comers are curioused about how many splitters should i have in FTTH network. PON is the basic structure for FTTH network, PON is short for Passive Optical Network. It consists of OLT, ODN (Splitter) and ONT. From the structure, splitter placement in […]


Introduction to Microducts for Air Blown Fiber ABF

Based on Telcordir GR-3155. Microducts are typically small-diameter, flexible, or semi-flexible ducts designed to provide clean, continuous, low-friction paths for installing optical cables that have relatively low pulling tension limits. The microducts are compatible with existing construction designs and building configurations for both riser- and plenum-rated applications, including cable blowing apparatus. Allow cables to be […]

Structured Cabling

How to install air blown fiber

When the Telecom operators, ISPs are designing and installing optical fiber cables, they need to have some spare fiber or spare space for future application, Air Blown Fiber (ABF) systems are well developed, available from multiple vendors and some installers are trained and experienced in their installation. The hardware and installation is somwhat different from […]

Optical Fiber


HOLIDAY NOTICE Our offices will be closed on Jan. 26th, 2016, in observance of Chinese Spring Festival. We will be reopen on Feb. 4th 2016. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.     SHANGHAI TARLUZ TELECOM TECH. CO., LTD.


The Top 5 structured fiber optic cabling faults

1. Cause: Intermittent faults – Unidentified intermittent faults are amongst the most common and damaging issues that affect structured cabling networks. Faulty patch leads and broken or malfunctioning outlets are typical causes of this frustrating and puzzling problem, but identifying the lead or outlet that’s misfiring can be a headache in itself. Effect: Valuable resources […]

Structured Cabling

Introduction to OM5 Fiber

ISO/IEC decided to name WBMMF Wideband Multimode Fiber as OM5 in Oct. 2016, this decision was made by ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1)/Subcommittee 25 (SC 25) Interconnection of Information Technology Equipment. At a spring 2016 meeting of JTC 1/SC 25’s Working Group 3 – Customer Premises Cabling – the working group was unable […]

Centre de Données

FAQ about OSFP Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable?

Q: What is the OSFP (Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable)? A: The OSFP is a new pluggable form factor with eight high speed electrical lanes that will initially support 400 Gbps (8x50G). It is slightly wider and deeper than the QSFP but it still supports 32 OSFP ports per 1U front panel, enabling 12.8 Tbps […]

Centre de Données

What is OSFP Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable?

The long-awaited public launch of efforts to develop the Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable (OSFP) optical transceiver module for 400-Gbps applications has finally arrived. The multisource agreement (MSA) development group, led by Arista Networks, includes 49 members. « It is rare to see so much industry support behind a new optics module form factor, » said Andreas […]

Centre de Données

FAQ about 100G Ethernet Transmission

What standard addresses 100G, and when will this standard be complete? The IEEE 802.3ba technical requirements were ratified in the recent April 2010 sponsor ballot. The document has been forwarded for approval to RevCom and is expected to be released in June 2010. When is customer implementation of 100G expected? Early end-user adoption is expected […]

Centre de Données

Do you know the difference between OFNR and OFNP

The cable jacket comprised with different materials based on different applications, In the United States, plastics used in the construction of plenum cable are regulated under the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 90A: Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. All materials intended for use on wire and cables to be […]

Fiber Optic Network