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All posts by: TARLUZ.COM

Introduction à la fibre optique
Une fibre optique est un fil en verre ou en plastique très fin qui a la propriété d’être un conducteur de lumière et sert dans la transmission de données par la lumière. Elle offre un débit d’information nettement supérieur à celui des câbles coaxiaux et peut servir de support à un réseau « large bande […]

La Solution FTTx / FTTh
FTTh est l'acronyme de Fiber To The Home qui signifie « fibre optique jusqu'à la maison » en anglais. La solution FTTx rassemble toutes les solutions FTTh, FTTo (office), FTTd (desk)... Jusqu’alors utilisée principalement dans les réseaux de longues distances (transport et collecte) et réservée aux entreprises pour la partie desserte, la fibre optique s’approche [...]
MTP® Connector cleaning instructions
A. Clean connector by MTP cleaner Before you clean the MTP connector, please inspect it first, if it is clean, no need to clean it. Insert the the MTP Cleaner into the adaptor where the connector is mated Rotate the tape feeder wheel as indicated on the cleaner Inspect the connector with 200 x microscope […]

What you should know about ADSS Cable
ADSS cables. All-Dielectric Self Supporting cables. The All-Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) cable is a completely non-metallic structure in which the tensile load bearing elements are integral within the circular design of the cable - usually in the form of aramid yarns or stranded glass reinfroced plastic rods. The structure of ADSS Cable Typically a loose [...]
Difference among Fujikura, Sumitomo, Fitel and INNO Fusion Splicer
The following is a comparison table among Fujikura FSM-70S/FSM-80S, Sumitomo Type-81C, Fitel S178A and INNO View 7 Fusion Splicers. Manufacturer FUJIKURA SUMITOMO FITEL INNO Model No. FSM-70S Type-81C S178A View 7 Splicing Method Core Alignment Core Alignment Core Alignment Core Alignment Applicable Fibers SM(G. 652/657) MM(G.651) DS(G. 653) NZDS(G. 655) SM(G. 652/657) MM(G.651) DS(G. 653) [...]
Conservando la polaridad en los sistemas MPO/MTP
Los sistemas troncales montados en fábrica, con conectores multifibra MPO, son utilizados de preferencia y de forma creciente para los despliegues de sistemas ópticos de cableado; sobre todo en áreas de alta concentración, tales como los centros de datos. Para poder mantener unas vías bi-direccionales de transmisión, el sistema debe proporcionar una polaridad correcta que […]

Introduction to VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) is the best solution when terrestrial connectivity is not available or cannot meet your communication needs. Offering converged communications, always-on connectivity anywhere and anytime across multiple geographies, our VSAT is a two way satellite ground station with a dish antenna smaller than three metres. VSAT gives you the freedom to […]

What splitter structure you should have in FTTH network centralized or cascading
FTTH currently developed very fast in South America and Africa, however, many new comers are curioused about how many splitters should i have in FTTH network. PON is the basic structure for FTTH network, PON is short for Passive Optical Network. It consists of OLT, ODN (Splitter) and ONT. From the structure, splitter placement in […]

Introduction to Microducts for Air Blown Fiber ABF
Based on Telcordir GR-3155. Microducts are typically small-diameter, flexible, or semi-flexible ducts designed to provide clean, continuous, low-friction paths for installing optical cables that have relatively low pulling tension limits. The microducts are compatible with existing construction designs and building configurations for both riser- and plenum-rated applications, including cable blowing apparatus. Allow cables to be […]